Tuesday, April 15, 2014


If the City of Bukittinggi (West Sumatra) can be popular because of the beautiful natural panorama and cooling tube, Bali is known as the diversity of their unique customs and culture of art, the Wakatobi (in Southeast Sulawesi) also did not want to lose.

"We want the area known as a tourist under the sea. We say honest, our region is far more interesting than the Caribbean. Regional we even call it-is often referred to many foreign tourists as a tourist area under the sea's most interesting in the world," said Regent Wakatobi Ir Hugua in the presentation of the tourism object Wakatobi, in the meeting room of Directorate General of Tourism destinations Depbudpar, Jakarta, Tuesday.

Listen to participate in the discussion Wakatobi Regent destinations other than the Director General of Tourism Development Depbudpar Firmansyah Rahim and Marketing Director General of Tourism Sapta Nirwandar, also Secretary General of Depbudpar Wardiyatmo and a number of journalists.

According Hugua, the development of regional tourism Wakatobi as natural under the sea at this time increasingly brisk. Community support for maintaining the potential of marine also continue to improve. Evidence is the reduction in the use bombs to take the sea fish. Society does not realize the depth charge only damage the marine biota, which is the secret charm of nature under the sea Wakatobi, but also potential users off the bomb that fishermen.

"Support the Wakatobi Islands at this time are also with the appering home industry which not only sell food and drink fresh, but also provide lodging and souvenirs, lodging at the price cheap," said Regent again.

Meanwhile, the District of Wakatobi itself on the side of the budget continues to increase promotion of tourism Wakatobi, also integrated the financing so that all potential Wakatobi time later on the icon of tourism can be a charming Indonesia. "In fact, in the near future, we will have two airports that can be used by foreign tourists to come to Wakatobi," said Hugua.

Airport investor who built the first Swiss origin a few years ago. Then the airport will be inaugurated in the near future use Pemkab Wakatobi built, located in the Islands Wanci.

With two of the airport, will be Wakatobi more often visited and Wisman wisnus from various places. The tourists came to this area want to see the main attractions in the bottom of the sea on the islands in the area of nautical tourism Wakatobi.

Enchantment of nature under the sea-called Wakatobi Wisman a lot of European origin and the United States in the world's most interesting because, among other forms of coral and marine ornamental fish species which has far more diverse and unique. So that the beauty beneath the sea Wakatobi always be a variety of Indonesian and foreign journalists, each year the race Wakatobi photo below sea level with the world the gift of thousands of dollars the United States (U.S.).

For image-level international competitions in 2008, followed by 65 participants from 9 countries, according to jury chairman Michael AW from Singapore and Makarios Soekojo from Indonesia, the winner reached 13 people. Winner of the main category for Best of Show is Hermawan Wong, a gift to reach 4 thousand U.S. dollars. Winners of the second, Michael Sukri, reach 3000 U.S. dollars and the third winner, Sofi Sugiarto, to reach 2,000 U.S. dollars prize

source : suara karya online

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